6th Founder’s Day and Investiture Ceremony

Best International School in Hyderabad

It is with immense pleasure and pride that we reflect upon the resounding success of our recently held Investiture Ceremony. The ceremony, which took place on 15th June 2023, was a momentous occasion where we celebrated the official induction of our student leaders into their roles of responsibility and leadership.

The ceremony begins with a warm welcome and introductory speech, highlighting the significance of the event followed by the lightning of the lamp. The school principal, Mrs. Priya Darshini delivered an inspiring speech and emphasized the importance of leadership, responsibility, and the role of student leaders in the school community.
The ceremony was graced by the presence of our esteemed Chief Guest, Shri Lakshmi Narayana, SI, Adibatla PS, distinguished faculty members, parents, and the entire school community. He delivered an empowering speech, sharing their insights and experiences, and motivating the student leaders.

The newly appointed Council Members were adorned with sashes and received the flag from the Chief Guest Shree Lakshmi Narayana and the school Principal Ms. Priya Darshini. This was followed by the entire council taking oath to discharge their duties with sincerity and fulfill everyone’s expectations. The whole stage lit up with vibrant colors of the different flags and the event reinstated the faith in the calibre and leadership of the future generations.

As we move forward, we are filled with optimism and excitement about the positive impact our student leaders will have on our school community. They will inspire their peers, spearhead initiatives, and embody the values that IVIS holds dear.

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