International CBSE School


Dear Parents,

Welcome to another enriching academic year at Indus Valley International School! Our commitment to academic excellence, holistic development, and a strong partnership between parents, the school, and our cherished students remains steadfast.

Last year marked a journey of equal choice, commitment, mentorship, and enrichment. We continue to provide a world-class education evident in our curriculum that goes beyond academics to embrace arts, physical activities, and values education. Our focus extends beyond academic success to nurturing values, critical thinking, and skills essential for holistic development.
Listening to children opens doors to wonders we may have overlooked. By engaging actively with their thoughts and perspectives, we tap into a world of imagination, creativity, and fresh ideas.

International CBSE School

Collectively, we must work to dismantle stereotypes and empower the current generation to make informed decisions and strive for a healthier future.

Fear may inhibit progress, but courage drives transformation. Our mentorship program invests time with purpose, addressing uncertainties and guiding students towards their goals with confidence.

As we embark on another journey of peer learning and growth, we encourage active engagement from parents in their child’s educational journey. Our innovative initiatives include a digital curriculum, financial literacy focus, DEAR time, eco-friendly birthday celebrations and IIT Foundation Classes.

We invite you to partner with us in fostering new perspectives and solutions as we navigate the dynamic world. Thank you for entrusting us with your child’s education and well-being.

Warm regards,
Ms. Priya Darshini