Session On – “Good touch and Bad touch”

Best International Schools In LB Nagar

A day was especially dedicated to safeguarding and protecting our students at Indus Valley International School and giving them the warmth of well-being through a deliberately planned programme on “Good touch and Bad touch”. The children learnt to identify the people around whom they would be safe and to whom to report in case of an alarming situation. They also learnt to handle strangers and say ‘NO’ in uncomfortable situations by running away and shouting aloud.
This session was conducted by Mrs Shashikala Naidu, Principal on Oct 20, 2022 with a view to sensitising and equipping the IVISians so that they can handle such instances in life in a better way, without any anxiety. The goal of this interaction was to inform them about potentially dangerous circumstances and to inculcate the need to be educated about Good touch and Bad touch.
The demonstration of a video and the activity conducted by teachers gave the students a clear picture of one’s safe circle and it was truly gratifying to see children creating their own safe circle by writing down the names of their parents, siblings or teachers.
The children showed active participation in terms of interaction and giving feedback. The programme concluded on a positive note and had lots of learning takeaways.